Tuesday, August 3, 2010

PHOTOSHOOT for Styling Class!

The shoot for Styling Class at the Academy of Art in San Francisco has been such a great experience! We worked with professional make up and hair people, and photographers! It was a great experience to see what is was like to run a shoot, and what goes on behind the scenes! It was interesting because at times the shoot was really calm and relaxed mostly when we were doing hair, make up, and wardrobe..but then when we had to go into the photography studio and shoot it got crazy busy and people were running all over the place! I loved doing everything that went into the shoot from choosing the look, then going shopping to find the perfect outfit..going over the poses with the model..to discussing what I we wanted to do for the hair and make-up! It was a great experience for me because I know I want to be a Stylist, but I got a feel about what It's like, and all about!  xoTheStylishWanderer
Hair and Make up!
Natural makeup that consisted of gold, browns, and nude eyeshadows to compliment our Sweet Bohemian Chic look!

            Talking with                             the photographer!
             The million dollar shot! 

1 comment:

  1. You girls did a great job on the styling! Keep up the good work. I'm loving your blog.
