After seeing David Long in New York at Molly Crabapple's Dirtee Hollywood debut party, we kept in touch. I was thrilled that David, the designer of Dirtee Hollywood invited me to preview his newest collection of t-shirts at the design studio in L.A!

Me and my girlies with David Long, owner of Dirtee Hollywood
David and I
The Twilight Boys love DH!!
just a lil' flirty!
L.O.V.E these items from his new collection!
The Twilight Boysss love Dirtee Hollywood too!
The Twilight Boysss love Dirtee Hollywood too!
Bronson Pelletier rockin' his Dirtee Hollywood tee!
So is Kiowa Gordon!
The Stylish Wanderer ♥'s Dirtee Hollywood too!
For more info go to..