Sunday, August 29, 2010

Dirtee Hollywood Design Studio!

After seeing David Long in New York at Molly Crabapple's Dirtee Hollywood debut party, we kept in touch. I was thrilled that David, the designer of Dirtee Hollywood invited me to preview his newest collection of t-shirts at the design studio in L.A!

Me and my girlies with David Long, owner of Dirtee Hollywood
David and I 
The Twilight Boys love DH!!
just a lil' flirty!
L.O.V.E these items from his new collection!
The Twilight Boysss love Dirtee Hollywood too!
Bronson Pelletier rockin' his Dirtee Hollywood tee!
So is Kiowa Gordon!
The Stylish Wanderer 's  Dirtee Hollywood too!

For more info go to..

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The fabulous Tony Wang

Who: Tony Wang
What:-Fashion Creative and                    Technologist
          -Founder of: 
          -A Contracted Consultant 
             for BCBG

Sipping coffee with the fabulous Tony Wang while interviewing him about life as a Fashion Blogger, and being a regular at New York Fashion Week was an eye-opening experience! Read ALL ABOUT the interview below..

1. How did you start out in fashion?
I recognized my love for fashion when I was a Senior in high school. At first when I started out I wasn't serious about it at all. I would design dresses, blog for fun, and interview people in the industry. 

2. Have you taken any Styling, or Fashion Classes? Did you believe that everyone in the industry has had to take fashion classes?
No I have never taken any fashion classes, but at UPENN(where Tony attends college) I took a Visual Merchandising class in its Marketing Department. No, not everyone has had to take fashion classes, for instance Ralph Lauren never did. Fashion has many different areas and therefore need people with different backgrounds; from business and marketing people to people who major in english and literature.

3. I know my parents are tough on me for wanting a career in the fashion industry. What was your parents take on it?
 At first they were not happy because they wanted me to major in Finance, and they would try to ignore me saying I wanted to be in fashion. For instance, one day my dad asked me if I applied for a finance job and I said no. Even though my parents felt fashion was not an ideal career for me, it made me happy and I pursued it, ignoring the criticism along the way.

4. Where do you get your inspirations from? 
When designing clothes I look to nature and space for inspiration. My second clothing collection was armor inspired so I watched Lord of the Rings. I added studs making it edgy with a subtle twist.

5. Sometimes I feel ostracized by people at my school because of my different style. Did you encounter situations where you felt that way?
There was one time where a hater wrote mean things about my blog commenting that I dressed wierd, was boring, and even asked the other readers why they read my blog. When blogging I am always open for cricism but sometimes it gets out of hand.

6. What is it like going to New York Fashion Week?
At Fashion Week everyone is stressed, excited, and there is a mix of every emotion. There are fashionistas, designers, retailers, celebrities, stylists, and PR people trying to make sure designers are getting publicity. There is a lot of intensity and energy, but yet is amazing.

7. Have you ever had an embarassing moment in the fashion world?
I was in the second row of the Narcisco Rodriguez show and there was a lady with poofy orange hair sitting in front of me. I couldn't see anything, and therefore commented to my neighbor that I couldn't see over this lady's hair, then he said to me "that's Anna Wintour."

Link to Tony's Blog:

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Jessica Simpson & Ken Paves Hair-do Extensions!

                      With Ken at Barnes & Noble

The Salon on Robertson Blvd. in Los Angeles

The Seating area

Link to video on HOW TO put in the extensions:

She put in the 22in Straight Extension 

      She used Bump Up the Volume Extension on 

Parissa looking glamorous leaving the salon

Ran into Adrien Grenier while I was leaving Ken's Salon! He is soo cute! : )

It all started in an aisle of the Barnes and Noble, Pasadena.  My friend Parissa and I were looking for an empty aisle to sit down and read magazines to catch up on our Hollywood gossip. We instantly became starstruck when we stumbled upon Hollywood's infamous hair guru: Ken Paves! His A-list clients include Jessica Simpson, Eva Longoria, Ashley Simpson, Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan, and many more. He was so sweet, down-to-earth, and easy to talk to! I told him that I bought new extensions and asked him for some styling tips; he responded by telling us to stop by his salon the next day so he could give us  extensions and style them.
         When we called the Salon in the morning we were sad to be greeted by an answering machine that indicated the Salon was closed for the day. Of course this didn't stop us from driving to the Salon to check it out. When we got there the side door was open and a stylist greeted us and told us that Ken was busy in a meeting, but she was more than happy to help us. We sat down, and she immediately got to work. She first inspected our hair in order for her to get a feel for what hair types she was working with. Before bringing out the hair extensions, she explained to us the Science of hair care and the PH Scale of protein and moisture. She told us that it is common for people to overly moisturize their hair or add too much protein causing starchy textures. She recommended balancing the two.

Kelly LaPointe
-Job: Manager of Ken Paves Salon on Robertson Blvd. in LA

I asked Kelly a couple of questions about her journey, and life as a hair stylist, HERE THEY ARE..
1. At what age did you decide that you really wanted to be in this industry? What were your parents reactions, were they supportive?
At 13 years old I decided that hair was my love and wanted to spend the rest of my life doing it. I went to a salon in the mall in Wisconsin where I grew up and asked for an application, and from there on it all started! My parents wanted me to explore every career to keep my options open, but overall they wanted me to persue something I was passionate about and made me happy.
2. What was your "big break" how did you become known?
I took every opportunity, taught all around the country, did things as a Manager, as a Stylist, and everything contributed.
3.  I know that teenagers now-a-days have a straigtening and curling iron addiction, including me. What advice would you give teenagers that want to keep their hair healthy?
I would learn to work with your natural texture, and to embrace what you have. It is important that you always keep your temperature low when using an iron of any sort.
4. What advice would you give to people out there that want to break into this industry?
Again, it's all about looking at everything as an opportunity, to always be humble, and to never burn bridges.

To Purchase Hair-do Extensions go to
or to your nearest beauty store!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

PHOTOSHOOT for Styling Class!

The shoot for Styling Class at the Academy of Art in San Francisco has been such a great experience! We worked with professional make up and hair people, and photographers! It was a great experience to see what is was like to run a shoot, and what goes on behind the scenes! It was interesting because at times the shoot was really calm and relaxed mostly when we were doing hair, make up, and wardrobe..but then when we had to go into the photography studio and shoot it got crazy busy and people were running all over the place! I loved doing everything that went into the shoot from choosing the look, then going shopping to find the perfect outfit..going over the poses with the discussing what I we wanted to do for the hair and make-up! It was a great experience for me because I know I want to be a Stylist, but I got a feel about what It's like, and all about!  xoTheStylishWanderer
Hair and Make up!
Natural makeup that consisted of gold, browns, and nude eyeshadows to compliment our Sweet Bohemian Chic look!

            Talking with                             the photographer!
             The million dollar shot! 

I'm a Cali girl at ♥

In this picture I'm rocking out the Easy Cool look with a touch of rocker from the boots!
Top:American Apparel
Shoes:Steve Madden(Doc Martin Inspired)
I got a Lookbook! Here is the link to it!